Non-profit member organization for large energy users in Massachusetts


We are an association of commercial, industrial, institutional and municipal large energy users in Massachusetts and have participated in state and regional energy regulatory matters for forty years. Since 1973, the Energy Consortium has saved members millions of dollars in energy costs by:

  • Intervening in local rate cases and regional transmission proceedings for both natural gas and electricity,

  • Interfacing with state agencies including Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and Department of Public Utilities;

  • Testifying before the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities and Massachusetts Legislative hearings advocating for fairly constructed utility policies;

  • Encouraging members to participate in energy efficiency and renewable energy programs to offset higher energy and distribution costs; and,

  • Participating as a voting member at NEPOOL committee meetings on wholesale markets, system reliability and transmission issues that impact members.

  • Communicating with TEC members by email and periodic meetings to discuss current energy related issues.


Advocating members’ interest in economic and reliable energy resources





Join The Energy Consortium of Massachusetts

 Don’t be left in the dark in this dynamic energy market.